All Identifiers
Name | Unit | Description |
Brook | BrookUtility | Global |
BROOK_BACKLOG | BrookExtra | Default maximum length of the queue of pending connections. |
BROOK_BUFFER_SIZE | BrookExtra | Default buffer size (in bytes). |
BROOK_COOKIE_NAME_PREFIX | BrookHTTPCookies | Default cookie name. |
BROOK_COOKIE_SIG_PREFIX | BrookHTTPCookies | Prefix to identify a signed cookie. |
BROOK_CT_OCTET_STREAM | BrookExtra | Default content type for binary content (octet-stream). |
BROOK_CT_TEXT_PLAIN | BrookExtra | Default content type for text content (text/plain in UTF-8). |
BROOK_FILE_RIGHTS | BrookExtra | Default file rights (under Unix, 438 = &666 = owner/group/others can read/write). |
BROOK_LOGGER_OUTPUT_NAME | BrookLogger | Default logger name. |
BROOK_LOGGER_TAG | BrookLogger | Default logger tag. |
BROOK_MIME_FILE | BrookMediaTypes | Default MIME types file name. |
BROOK_MIME_PROVIDER | BrookMediaTypes | Default MIME provider. |
BROOK_MIME_TAG | BrookMediaTypes | Register prefix for MIME types class. |
BROOK_MIN_BUFFER_SIZE | BrookExtra | Default minimal buffer size (in bytes). |
BROOK_PAYLOAD_LIMIT | BrookExtra | Default payload limit (in bytes). |
BROOK_POST_BUFFER_SIZE | BrookExtra | Default post buffer size (in bytes). |
BROOK_UPLOADS_LIMIT | BrookExtra | Default upload(s) limit (in bytes). |
EBrookHTTPCookie | BrookHTTPCookies | Handles exceptions related to HTTP cookies classes. |
EBrookHTTPResponse | BrookHTTPResponse | Handles exceptions related to response class. |
EBrookHTTPServer | BrookHTTPServer | Handles exceptions related to HTTP server. |
EBrookHTTPServerSecurity | BrookHTTPServer | Handles exceptions related to HTTP server security. |
EBrookMediaTypes | BrookMediaTypes | Handles exceptions related to media type classes. |
EBrookURLEntryPoint | BrookURLEntryPoints | Handles exceptions related to entry-point classes. |
EBrookURLEntryPointList | BrookURLEntryPoints | Handles exceptions related to URL entry-point list. |
EBrookURLRoute | BrookURLRouter | Handles exceptions related to route classes. |
EBrookURLRoutes | BrookURLRouter | Handles exceptions related to routes classes. |
Evaluate | BrookMathExpression | Evaluates a mathematical expression. |
Sagui | BrookUtility | Global |
SBrookActiveLibLoader | BrookLibraryLoader | Indicates not allowed operation when the library loader is loaded. |
SBrookActiveMIMETypes | BrookMediaTypes | Error message |
SBrookActiveOutput | BrookLogger | Error message |
SBrookActiveServer | BrookHTTPServer | Error message |
SBrookCannotCreateServerHandle | BrookHTTPServer | Error message |
SBrookDefaultRouteAlreadyExists | BrookURLRouter | Error message |
SBrookEmptyCertificate | BrookHTTPServer | Error message |
SBrookEmptyCookieName | BrookHTTPCookies | Error message |
SBrookEmptyEntryPointName | BrookURLEntryPoints | Error message |
SBrookEmptyMediaExt | BrookMediaTypes | Error message |
SBrookEmptyMediaType | BrookMediaTypes | Error message |
SBrookEmptyMIMEProvider | BrookMediaTypes | Error message |
SBrookEmptyOutputName | BrookLogger | Error message |
SBrookEmptyPrivateKey | BrookHTTPServer | Error message |
SBrookEmptyRoutePattern | BrookURLRouter | Error message |
SBrookEntryPointAlreadyExists | BrookURLEntryPoints | Error message |
SBrookEntryPointListUnprepared | BrookURLEntryPoints | Error message |
SBrookEntryPointNotFound | BrookURLEntryPoints | Error message |
SBrookInactiveEntryPoints | BrookURLEntryPoints | Error message |
SBrookInactiveMathExpression | BrookMathExpression | Error message |
SBrookInactiveMIMETypes | BrookMediaTypes | Error message |
SBrookInactiveOutput | BrookLogger | Error message |
SBrookInactiveRouter | BrookURLRouter | Error message |
SBrookInvalidCookieName | BrookHTTPCookies | Error message |
SBrookInvalidHTTPStatus | BrookHTTPAuthentication | Error message |
SBrookInvalidHTTPStatus | BrookHTTPResponse | Error message |
SBrookInvalidMediaExt | BrookMediaTypes | Error message |
SBrookInvalidMediaType | BrookMediaTypes | Error message |
SBrookInvalidMIMEProviderClass | BrookMediaTypes | Error message |
SBrookInvalidOutputClass | BrookLogger | Error message |
SBrookLevelDebug | BrookLogger | Name for debug log level. |
SBrookLevelError | BrookLogger | Name for error log level. |
SBrookLevelHint | BrookLogger | Name for hint log level. |
SBrookLevelInfo | BrookLogger | Name for information log level. |
SBrookLevelWarn | BrookLogger | Name for warning log level. |
SBrookNoEntryPointsDefined | BrookURLEntryPoints | Error message |
SBrookNoRoutesDefined | BrookURLRouter | Error message |
SBrookRequestMethodNotAllowed | BrookURLRouter | Error message |
SBrookRequestNoMethodDefined | BrookURLRouter | Error message |
SBrookResponseAlreadySent | BrookHTTPResponse | Error message |
SBrookRouteAlreadyExists | BrookURLRouter | Error message |
SBrookRouteNotFound | BrookURLRouter | Error message |
SBrookRouterNotAssigned | BrookURLEntryPoints | Error message |
SBrookTLSNotAvailable | BrookHTTPServer | Error message |
SBrookUnknownMIMEProvider | BrookMediaTypes | Error message |
SBrookUnknownOutputName | BrookLogger | Error message |
SBrookZLibError | BrookHTTPResponse | Error message |
TBrookBaseReader | BrookReader | Base proxied line reader. |
TBrookErrorEvent | BrookUtility | Event signature used by stuff that handles errors. |
TBrookFileReader | BrookReader | File line reader. |
TBrookHandledCollectionItem | BrookHandledClasses | The base handled collection item. |
TBrookHandledComponent | BrookHandledClasses | The base handled component. |
TBrookHandledOwnedCollection | BrookHandledClasses | The base handled collection. |
TBrookHandledPersistent | BrookHandledClasses | The base handled persistent. |
TBrookHTTPAuthenticateErrorEvent | BrookHTTPServer | Event signature used by HTTP server to handle errors in the clients authentication. |
TBrookHTTPAuthenticateEvent | BrookHTTPServer | Event signature used by HTTP server to handle the clients authentication. |
TBrookHTTPAuthentication | BrookHTTPAuthentication | |
TBrookHTTPCookie | BrookHTTPCookies | Server side HTTP cookie item. |
TBrookHTTPCookieClass | BrookHTTPCookies | Class-reference for |
TBrookHTTPCookies | BrookHTTPCookies | Server side HTTP cookie list. |
TBrookHTTPCookieSameSite | BrookHTTPCookies | SameSite cookie attribute types. |
TBrookHTTPCookiesEnumerator | BrookHTTPCookies | List enumerator for |
TBrookHTTPCredentials | BrookHTTPAuthentication | Class which holds the user authentication credentials. |
TBrookHTTPRequest | BrookHTTPRequest | Class which provides headers, cookies, query-string, fields, payloads, uploads and other data sent by the client. |
TBrookHTTPRequestErrorEvent | BrookHTTPServer | Event signature used by HTTP server to handle error in the requests. |
TBrookHTTPRequestEvent | BrookHTTPServer | Event signature used by HTTP server to handle requests. |
TBrookHTTPRequestIsolatedProc | BrookHTTPRequest | Procedure signature used to trigger isolated requests. |
TBrookHTTPRequestMethod | BrookUtility | HTTP verbs enumeration. |
TBrookHTTPRequestMethodHelper | BrookUtility | Type helper for HTTP verb conversion. |
TBrookHTTPRequestMethods | BrookUtility | Set of HTTP verbs. |
TBrookHTTPResponse | BrookHTTPResponse | Class which dispatches headers, contents, binaries, files and other data to the client. |
TBrookHTTPServer | BrookHTTPServer | Fast event-driven HTTP(S) server class. |
TBrookHTTPServerClientConnectionEvent | BrookHTTPServer | Event signature used by HTTP server to handle client connection events. |
TBrookHTTPServerSecurity | BrookHTTPServer | Class which holds the TLS properties for the HTTPS server. |
TBrookHTTPUpload | BrookHTTPUploads | Structured type which holds the upload properties and allows to save the uploaded file. |
TBrookHTTPUploads | BrookHTTPUploads | Uploads list which contains all uploaded files and form fields. |
TBrookHTTPUploadsEnumerator | BrookHTTPUploads | Enumerator used to iterate the map |
TBrookLibraryLoader | BrookLibraryLoader | Class for dynamic library loading. |
TBrookLocker | BrookUtility | Allows to lock other threads from accessing a block of code. |
TBrookLogger | BrookLogger | |
TBrookLoggerLevels | BrookLogger | Class that retains the log levels. |
TBrookLoggerOutput | BrookLogger | Abstract class for logger output. |
TBrookLoggerOutputClass | BrookLogger | Class-reference for |
TBrookLoggerOutputConsole | BrookLogger | Class for console logger output. |
TBrookLoggerOutputFile | BrookLogger | Class for file logger output. |
TBrookMathExpression | BrookMathExpression | Mathematical expression evaluator. |
TBrookMathExpressionError | BrookMathExpression | Structured type which holds the mathematical expression errors. |
TBrookMathExpressionErrorEvent | BrookMathExpression | Event signature used to handle errors in a mathematical expression. |
TBrookMathExpressionErrorKind | BrookMathExpression | Possible error types returned by the mathematical expression evaluator. |
TBrookMathExpressionExtension | BrookMathExpression | Structured type which holds the properties of a math expression extension. |
TBrookMathExpressionExtensionEvent | BrookMathExpression | Event signature used to handle extension in a mathematical expression. |
TBrookMediaTypes | BrookMediaTypes | Cached abstract class to register, add, remove, find a media type. |
TBrookMediaTypesApache | BrookMediaTypes | Media types provider from the Apache mime.types. |
TBrookMediaTypesClass | BrookMediaTypes | Class-reference for |
TBrookMediaTypesNginx | BrookMediaTypes | Media types provider from the Nginx mime.types. |
TBrookMediaTypesParser | BrookMediaTypes | Base class containing a basic media types parser. |
TBrookMediaTypesParserNginx | BrookMediaTypes | Media types parser for Nginx mime.types. |
TBrookMediaTypesPath | BrookMediaTypes | Media types provider from the |
TBrookMediaTypesPathClass | BrookMediaTypes | Class-reference for |
TBrookMediaTypesUnix | BrookMediaTypes | Media types provider from the |
TBrookMediaTypesWindows | BrookMediaTypes | Media types provider from the Windows registry. |
TBrookMIME | BrookMediaTypes | Provides all registered media types in any supported platform. |
TBrookStreamReader | BrookReader | Line reader which uses stream as source of lines. |
TBrookString | BrookString | String buffer class and its related methods. |
TBrookStringMap | BrookStringMap | String map class and its related methods. |
TBrookStringMapChangeEvent | BrookStringMap | Event signature used to notify a change in the map. |
TBrookStringMapComparator | BrookStringMap | Function signature used by |
TBrookStringMapEnumerator | BrookStringMap | Enumerator used to iterate the map |
TBrookStringMapIterator | BrookStringMap | Function signature used by |
TBrookStringMapOperation | BrookStringMap | Identifies the kind of operation in the map. |
TBrookStringPair | BrookStringMap | Pair item of |
TBrookStringReader | BrookReader | String line reader. |
TBrookTextReader | BrookReader | Abstract class for line reader. |
TBrookURLEntryPoint | BrookURLEntryPoints | Class to represent a URL entry-point item. |
TBrookURLEntryPointClass | BrookURLEntryPoints | Class-reference for |
TBrookURLEntryPointList | BrookURLEntryPoints | Class to represent an list of URL entry-points. |
TBrookURLEntryPointListEnumerator | BrookURLEntryPoints | List enumerator for |
TBrookURLEntryPoints | BrookURLEntryPoints | URL entry-points component. |
TBrookURLEntryPointsNotFoundEvent | BrookURLEntryPoints | Event signature used by |
TBrookURLRoute | BrookURLRouter | Class to represent a URL route item. |
TBrookURLRouteClass | BrookURLRouter | Class-reference for |
TBrookURLRouteMatchEvent | BrookURLRouter | Event signature used by |
TBrookURLRouter | BrookURLRouter | URL router component. |
TBrookURLRouteRequestEvent | BrookURLRouter | Event signature used by |
TBrookURLRouteRequestMethodEvent | BrookURLRouter | Event signature used by |
TBrookURLRouterRouteEvent | BrookURLRouter | Event signature used by |
TBrookURLRoutes | BrookURLRouter | Class to represent an list of URL routes. |
TBrookURLRoutesEnumerator | BrookURLRouter | List enumerator for |
tkPrimitives | BrookUtility | Primitive kinds. |
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