Class TBrookHTTPRequest



type TBrookHTTPRequest = class(TBrookHandledPersistent)


Class which provides headers, cookies, query-string, fields, payloads, uploads and other data sent by the client.




Public constructor Create(AHandle: Pointer); virtual;
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public function IsPost: Boolean; inline;
Public function IsFavicon: Boolean; inline;
Public function IsSecure: Boolean; inline;
Public function IsCachable: Boolean; inline;
Public function IsXhr: Boolean; inline;
Public procedure Isolate(AProc: TBrookHTTPRequestIsolatedProc; AUserData: Pointer = nil); virtual;


Public property ServerHandle: Pointer read FServerHandle;
Public property Headers: TBrookStringMap read FHeaders;
Public property Cookies: TBrookStringMap read FCookies;
Public property Params: TBrookStringMap read FParams;
Public property Fields: TBrookStringMap read FFields;
Public property Payload: TBrookString read FPayload;
Public property Version: string read FVersion;
Public property Method: string read FMethod;
Public property Path: string read FPath;
Public property IP: string read GetIP;
Public property ContentType: string read GetContentType;
Public property UserAgent: string read GetUserAgent;
Public property Referer: string read GetReferer;
Public property Paths: TArray<string> read GetPaths;
Public property IsIsolated: Boolean read FIsIsolated;
Public property IsUploading: Boolean read FIsUploading;
Public property Uploads: TBrookHTTPUploads read FUploads;
Public property Files: TBrookHTTPUploads read FUploads;
Public property Client: Pointer read FClient;
Public property TLSSession: Pointer read FTLSSession;
Public property UserData: Pointer read GetUserData write SetUserData;



Public constructor Create(AHandle: Pointer); virtual;

Creates an instance of TBrookHTTPRequest.

Request handle.
Public destructor Destroy; override;

Frees an instance of TBrookHTTPRequest.

Public function IsPost: Boolean; inline;

Checks if the HTTP method is POST, PUT, DELETE or OPTIONS.

Public function IsFavicon: Boolean; inline;

Checks if current path refers to '/favicon.ico'.

Public function IsSecure: Boolean; inline;

Checks if request contains a valid TLS session.

Public function IsCachable: Boolean; inline;

Checks if the HTTP method is HEAD or GET.

Public function IsXhr: Boolean; inline;

Checks if the request was done by an Ajax client.

Public procedure Isolate(AProc: TBrookHTTPRequestIsolatedProc; AUserData: Pointer = nil); virtual;

Isolates a request from the main event loop to an own dedicated thread, bringing it back when the request finishes.

Procedure to handle requests and responses isolated from the main event loop.
User-defined data.


Public property ServerHandle: Pointer read FServerHandle;

Reference to the server instance.

Public property Headers: TBrookStringMap read FHeaders;

Hash table containing the request headers.

Public property Cookies: TBrookStringMap read FCookies;

Hash table containing the request cookies.

Public property Params: TBrookStringMap read FParams;

Hash table containing the request parameters (query-string).

Public property Fields: TBrookStringMap read FFields;

Hash table containing the request fields (HTML form fields).

Public property Payload: TBrookString read FPayload;

String buffer containing the request payload.

Public property Version: string read FVersion;

Contains the requested HTTP version.

Public property Method: string read FMethod;

Contains the requested HTTP method.

Public property Path: string read FPath;

Contains the path component.

Public property IP: string read GetIP;

Contains the client IP.

Public property ContentType: string read GetContentType;

Contains the requested Content-Type.

Public property UserAgent: string read GetUserAgent;

Contains the client User-Agent.

Public property Referer: string read GetReferer;

Where the request originated.

Public property Paths: TArray<string> read GetPaths;

Contains the levels of the path component.

Public property IsIsolated: Boolean read FIsIsolated;

Checks if the request was isolated from the main event loop to an own dedicated thread.

Public property IsUploading: Boolean read FIsUploading;

Checks if the client is uploading data.

Public property Uploads: TBrookHTTPUploads read FUploads;

List of the uploaded files.

Public property Files: TBrookHTTPUploads read FUploads;

List of the uploaded files. This is an alias to property Uploads.

Public property Client: Pointer read FClient;

Contains the socket handle of the client.

Public property TLSSession: Pointer read FTLSSession;

Contains the TLS session handle (GnuTLS).

Public property UserData: Pointer read GetUserData write SetUserData;

User-defined data to be stored temporally in the request object.

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