Unit BrookURLEntryPoints
Functions and Procedures
Contains classes for handling URL entry-points.
- RTLConsts
- SysUtils
- Classes
- Platform
- Marshalling
- libsagui
- BrookUtility
- BrookHandledClasses
- BrookExtra
- BrookHTTPRequest
- BrookHTTPResponse
- BrookURLRouter
Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records
Name | Description |
Class EBrookURLEntryPoint |
Handles exceptions related to entry-point classes. |
Class TBrookURLEntryPoint |
Class to represent a URL entry-point item. |
Class TBrookURLEntryPointListEnumerator |
List enumerator for TBrookURLEntryPointList . |
Class EBrookURLEntryPointList |
Handles exceptions related to URL entry-point list. |
Class TBrookURLEntryPointList |
Class to represent an list of URL entry-points. |
Class TBrookURLEntryPoints |
URL entry-points component. |
TBrookURLEntryPointClass = class of TBrookURLEntryPoint; |
TBrookURLEntryPointsNotFoundEvent = procedure(ASender: TObject; const AEntryPoint, APath: string; ARequest: TBrookHTTPRequest; AResponse: TBrookHTTPResponse) of object; |
SBrookEntryPointListUnprepared = 'Entry-point list not prepared.'; |
SBrookInactiveEntryPoints = 'Inactive entry-points.'; |
SBrookNoEntryPointsDefined = 'No entry-points defined.'; |
SBrookEntryPointAlreadyExists =
'%s: entry-point ''%s'' already exists in ''%s''.'; |
SBrookEmptyEntryPointName = '%s: entry-point cannot be empty.'; |
SBrookEntryPointNotFound = 'Entry-point not found: %s.'; |
SBrookRouterNotAssigned = 'Router not assigned for entry-point ''%s''.'; |
TBrookURLEntryPointClass = class of TBrookURLEntryPoint; |
Class-reference for |
TBrookURLEntryPointsNotFoundEvent = procedure(ASender: TObject; const AEntryPoint, APath: string; ARequest: TBrookHTTPRequest; AResponse: TBrookHTTPResponse) of object; |
Event signature used by |
SBrookEntryPointListUnprepared = 'Entry-point list not prepared.'; |
Error message |
SBrookInactiveEntryPoints = 'Inactive entry-points.'; |
Error message |
SBrookNoEntryPointsDefined = 'No entry-points defined.'; |
Error message |
SBrookEntryPointAlreadyExists =
'%s: entry-point ''%s'' already exists in ''%s''.'; |
Error message |
SBrookEmptyEntryPointName = '%s: entry-point cannot be empty.'; |
Error message |
SBrookEntryPointNotFound = 'Entry-point not found: %s.'; |
Error message |
SBrookRouterNotAssigned = 'Router not assigned for entry-point ''%s''.'; |
Error message |
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