Class TBrookStringMap
type TBrookStringMap = class(TBrookHandledPersistent)
String map class and its related methods.
- TObject
- TPersistent
- TBrookHandledPersistent
- TBrookStringMap
constructor Create(AHandle: Pointer); virtual; |
destructor Destroy; override; |
procedure Assign(ASource: TPersistent); override; |
function IsEmpty: Boolean; virtual; |
function GetEnumerator: TBrookStringMapEnumerator; |
procedure Add(const AName, AValue: string); virtual; |
procedure AddOrSet(const AName, AValue: string); virtual; |
procedure Remove(const AName: string); virtual; |
procedure Clear; virtual; |
function Find(const AName: string; out APair: TBrookStringPair): Boolean; virtual; |
function Contains(const AName: string): Boolean; virtual; |
function Get(const AName: string): string; virtual; |
function TryValue(const AName: string; out AValue: string): Boolean; virtual; |
function First(out APair: TBrookStringPair): Boolean; virtual; |
function Next(out APair: TBrookStringPair): Boolean; virtual; |
procedure Iterate(AIterator: TBrookStringMapIterator; AData: Pointer); virtual; |
procedure Sort(AComparator: TBrookStringMapComparator; AData: Pointer); virtual; |
procedure Fetch(AObject: TObject; const AAllowed, AIgnored: array of string); overload; virtual; |
procedure Fetch(AObject: TObject); overload; virtual; |
function ToString: string; override; |
property Count: Integer read GetCount; |
property Values[constAName:string]: string read GetValue
write SetValue; |
property EOF: Boolean read IsEOF; |
property Empty: Boolean read IsEmpty; |
property ClearOnDestroy: Boolean read FClearOnDestroy write FClearOnDestroy; |
property OnChange: TBrookStringMapChangeEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange; |
constructor Create(AHandle: Pointer); virtual; |
Creates an instance of Parameters
destructor Destroy; override; |
Frees an instance of |
procedure Assign(ASource: TPersistent); override; |
Copies the properties of the source string map. Parameters
function IsEmpty: Boolean; virtual; |
Checks if the map is empty. Returns
function GetEnumerator: TBrookStringMapEnumerator; |
Gets an instance of |
procedure Add(const AName, AValue: string); virtual; |
Adds a pair of strings to the map. Parameters
procedure AddOrSet(const AName, AValue: string); virtual; |
Adds or sets a pair of strings to the map. Parameters
procedure Remove(const AName: string); virtual; |
Removes a pair by its name. Parameters
procedure Clear; virtual; |
Clears the entire map. |
function Find(const AName: string; out APair: TBrookStringPair): Boolean; virtual; |
Finds a pair by its name. Parameters
function Contains(const AName: string): Boolean; virtual; |
Checks if map Parameters
function Get(const AName: string): string; virtual; |
Gets a pair by name and returns its value. Parameters
ReturnsPair value. |
function TryValue(const AName: string; out AValue: string): Boolean; virtual; |
Tries to find a pair value by its name. Parameters
function First(out APair: TBrookStringPair): Boolean; virtual; |
Retrieves the Parameters
function Next(out APair: TBrookStringPair): Boolean; virtual; |
Retrieves the Parameters
procedure Iterate(AIterator: TBrookStringMapIterator; AData: Pointer); virtual; |
Iterates over pairs map. Parameters
procedure Sort(AComparator: TBrookStringMapComparator; AData: Pointer); virtual; |
Sorts the pairs map. Parameters
procedure Fetch(AObject: TObject); overload; virtual; |
Fetches a string map as an object. |
function ToString: string; override; |
Gets the map as big string using equal sign to separate each pair and ending lines using line break. |
property Count: Integer read GetCount; |
Counts the total pairs present in the map. |
property Values[constAName:string]: string read GetValue
write SetValue; |
Adds or gets the pair value. |
property EOF: Boolean read IsEOF; |
Indicates the end of map. |
property Empty: Boolean read IsEmpty; |
Indicates if the map is |
property ClearOnDestroy: Boolean read FClearOnDestroy write FClearOnDestroy; |
Clears the list on destroy. |
property OnChange: TBrookStringMapChangeEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange; |
Notifies a change in the map. |
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