Class TBrookHTTPCookie
type TBrookHTTPCookie = class(TCollectionItem)
Server side HTTP cookie item.
- TObject
- TPersistent
- TCollectionItem
- TBrookHTTPCookie
constructor Create(ACollection: TCollection); override; |
procedure Assign(ASource: TPersistent); override; |
class function Sign(const ASecret, AUnsignedValue: string): string; overload; static; |
class function TryUnsign(const ASecret, ASignedValue: string; out AUnsignedValue: string): Boolean; overload; static; |
class function Unsign(const ASecret, ASignedValue: string): string; overload; static; inline; |
class function IsSigned( const ASignedValue: string): Boolean; overload; static; inline; |
function IsSigned: Boolean; overload; virtual; |
procedure Sign(const ASecret: string); overload; virtual; |
function TryUnsign(const ASecret: string): Boolean; overload; virtual; |
procedure Unsign(const ASecret: string); overload; virtual; |
function ToString: string; override; |
procedure Clear; virtual; |
procedure Expire; virtual; |
procedure Persist; virtual; |
property Name: string read FName write SetName; |
property Value: string read FValue write SetValue; |
property Domain: string read FDomain write FDomain; |
property Path: string read FPath write SetPath; |
property Expires: TDateTime read FExpires write FExpires; |
property HttpOnly: Boolean read FHttpOnly write FHttpOnly; |
property Secure: Boolean read FSecure write FSecure; |
property MaxAge: Integer read FMaxAge write SetMaxAge; |
property SameSite: TBrookHTTPCookieSameSite read FSameSite write FSameSite; |
constructor Create(ACollection: TCollection); override; |
Creates an instance of Parameters
procedure Assign(ASource: TPersistent); override; |
Copies the properties of the source cookie. Parameters
class function Sign(const ASecret, AUnsignedValue: string): string; overload; static; |
Signs a cookie value using HMAC-SHA1. Parameters
ReturnsSigned cookie value. |
class function TryUnsign(const ASecret, ASignedValue: string; out AUnsignedValue: string): Boolean; overload; static; |
Tries to unsign a cookie value. Parameters
class function Unsign(const ASecret, ASignedValue: string): string; overload; static; inline; |
Unsigns a cookie value. ParametersReturnsUnsigned cookie value. |
class function IsSigned( const ASignedValue: string): Boolean; overload; static; inline; |
Checks if a cookie value is signed. Parameters
function IsSigned: Boolean; overload; virtual; |
Checks if a cookie is signed. Returns
procedure Sign(const ASecret: string); overload; virtual; |
Signs a cookie value using HMAC-SHA1. Parameters
function TryUnsign(const ASecret: string): Boolean; overload; virtual; |
Tries to unsign a cookie. ParametersReturns
procedure Unsign(const ASecret: string); overload; virtual; |
Unsigns a cookie. Parameters
function ToString: string; override; |
Gets the cookie as string. |
procedure Clear; virtual; |
Clears the cookie properties. |
procedure Expire; virtual; |
Expires the cookie. |
procedure Persist; virtual; |
Persists a cookie to live as long as it can. |
property Name: string read FName write SetName; |
Cookie |
property Value: string read FValue write SetValue; |
Cookie |
property Domain: string read FDomain write FDomain; |
Allowed |
property Path: string read FPath write SetPath; |
property Expires: TDateTime read FExpires write FExpires; |
Expiration date/time. |
property HttpOnly: Boolean read FHttpOnly write FHttpOnly; |
property Secure: Boolean read FSecure write FSecure; |
property MaxAge: Integer read FMaxAge write SetMaxAge; |
Sets an expiration expressed in number of seconds. |
property SameSite: TBrookHTTPCookieSameSite read FSameSite write FSameSite; |
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