Class TBrookHTTPResponse
type TBrookHTTPResponse = class(TBrookHandledPersistent)
Class which dispatches headers, contents, binaries, files and other data to the client.
- TObject
- TPersistent
- TBrookHandledPersistent
- TBrookHTTPResponse
constructor Create(AHandle: Pointer); virtual; |
destructor Destroy; override; |
procedure SetCookie(const AName, AValue: string); virtual; |
procedure Send(const AValue, AContentType: string; AStatus: Word); virtual; |
procedure SendFmt(const AFormat: string; const AArgs: array of const; const AContentType: string; AStatus: Word); virtual; |
procedure SendBinary(ABuffer: Pointer; ASize: NativeUInt; const AContentType: string; AStatus: Word); virtual; |
procedure SendBytes(const ABytes: TBytes; ASize: NativeUInt; const AContentType: string; AStatus: Word); virtual; |
procedure SendFile(ASize: NativeUInt; AMaxSize, AOffset: UInt64; const AFileName: TFileName; ADownloaded: Boolean; AStatus: Word); virtual; |
procedure SendStream(AStream: TStream; AFreed: Boolean; AStatus: Word); overload; virtual; |
procedure SendStream(AStream: TStream; AStatus: Word); overload; virtual; |
procedure SendEmpty(const AContentType: string); overload; virtual; |
procedure SendEmpty; overload; virtual; |
procedure SendAndRedirect(const AValue, ADestination, AContentType: string; AStatus: Word); overload; virtual; |
procedure SendAndRedirect(const AValue, ADestination, AContentType: string); overload; virtual; |
procedure Download(const AFileName: TFileName; AStatus: Word); overload; virtual; |
procedure Render(const AFileName: TFileName; AStatus: Word); overload; virtual; |
procedure Download(const AFileName: TFileName); overload; virtual; |
procedure Render(const AFileName: TFileName); overload; virtual; |
procedure Reset; virtual; |
procedure Clear; virtual; |
function IsEmpty: Boolean; |
property Compressed: Boolean read FCompressed write FCompressed; |
property Headers: TBrookStringMap read FHeaders; |
property Cookies: TBrookHTTPCookies read FCookies write SetCookies; |
property Empty: Boolean read IsEmpty; |
constructor Create(AHandle: Pointer); virtual; |
Creates an instance of Parameters
destructor Destroy; override; |
Frees an instance of |
procedure SetCookie(const AName, AValue: string); virtual; |
Sets server cookie to the response handle. Parameters
procedure SendFile(ASize: NativeUInt; AMaxSize, AOffset: UInt64; const AFileName: TFileName; ADownloaded: Boolean; AStatus: Word); virtual; |
Sends a file to the client. Parameters
procedure SendEmpty; overload; virtual; |
Sends an HTTP status 204 to the client indicating the server has fulfilled the request, but does not need to return a content. |
procedure Download(const AFileName: TFileName; AStatus: Word); overload; virtual; |
Offers a file as download. Parameters
procedure Render(const AFileName: TFileName; AStatus: Word); overload; virtual; |
Sends a file to be rendered. Parameters
procedure Download(const AFileName: TFileName); overload; virtual; |
Offers a file as Parameters
procedure Render(const AFileName: TFileName); overload; virtual; |
Sends a file to be rendered. Parameters
procedure Reset; virtual; |
Resets status and internal buffers of the response handle preserving all headers and cookies. |
procedure Clear; virtual; |
Clears all headers, cookies, status and internal buffers of the response object. |
function IsEmpty: Boolean; |
Checks if the response is empty. |
property Headers: TBrookStringMap read FHeaders; |
Hash table containing the |
property Cookies: TBrookHTTPCookies read FCookies write SetCookies; |
property Empty: Boolean read IsEmpty; |
Determines if the response is |
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