Class TBrookURLRoutes
type TBrookURLRoutes = class(TBrookHandledOwnedCollection)
Class to represent an list of URL routes.
- TObject
- TPersistent
- TCollection
- TOwnedCollection
- TBrookHandledOwnedCollection
- TBrookURLRoutes
constructor Create(AOwner: TPersistent); virtual; |
destructor Destroy; override; |
class function GetRouterClass: TBrookURLRouteClass; virtual; |
function GetEnumerator: TBrookURLRoutesEnumerator; |
function NewPattern: string; virtual; |
function Add: TBrookURLRoute; virtual; |
function First: TBrookURLRoute; virtual; |
function Last: TBrookURLRoute; virtual; |
function IndexOf(const APattern: string): Integer; virtual; |
function Find(const APattern: string): TBrookURLRoute; virtual; |
function FindDefault: TBrookURLRoute; virtual; |
function Remove(const APattern: string): Boolean; virtual; |
procedure Clear; virtual; |
property Items[AIndex:Integer]: TBrookURLRoute read GetItem
write SetItem; |
constructor Create(AOwner: TPersistent); virtual; |
Creates an instance of Parameters
destructor Destroy; override; |
Frees an instance of |
class function GetRouterClass: TBrookURLRouteClass; virtual; |
Gets the default class for route item creation. |
function GetEnumerator: TBrookURLRoutesEnumerator; |
Creates an enumerator to iterate the routes through |
function NewPattern: string; virtual; |
Generates a new route pattern. |
function Add: TBrookURLRoute; virtual; |
Adds a new item to the routes list. ReturnsRoute item. |
function First: TBrookURLRoute; virtual; |
Gets the |
function Last: TBrookURLRoute; virtual; |
Gets the |
function IndexOf(const APattern: string): Integer; virtual; |
Gets the route index by its pattern. |
function Find(const APattern: string): TBrookURLRoute; virtual; |
Finds a route in the routes list by its pattern. Parameters
function FindDefault: TBrookURLRoute; virtual; |
Finds a default route in the routes list. |
function Remove(const APattern: string): Boolean; virtual; |
Removes a route from the routes list by its pattern. Parameters
procedure Clear; virtual; |
Clears the routes list. |
property Items[AIndex:Integer]: TBrookURLRoute read GetItem
write SetItem; |
Gets/sets a route from/to the routes list by its index. |
Generated by PasDoc 0.16.0.