Class TBrookLibraryLoader
type TBrookLibraryLoader = class(TBrookHandledComponent)
Class for dynamic library loading.
- TObject
- TPersistent
- TComponent
- TBrookHandledComponent
- TBrookLibraryLoader
nested const LIB_NAME = SG_LIB_NAME; |
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; |
destructor Destroy; override; |
class procedure Load(const ALibraryName: TFileName); overload; static; |
class procedure Load; overload; static; |
class procedure Unload; static; |
class function IsLoaded: Boolean; static; |
procedure Open; virtual; |
procedure Close; virtual; |
property Active: Boolean read FActive write SetActive stored IsActiveStored; |
property LibraryName: TFileName read FLibraryName write SetLibraryName
stored IsLibraryNameStored; |
property Version: string read FVersion stored False; |
property OnLoad: TNotifyEvent read FOnLoad write FOnLoad; |
property OnUnload: TNotifyEvent read FOnUnload write FOnUnload; |
nested const LIB_NAME = SG_LIB_NAME; |
Default library name. |
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; |
Creates an instance of Parameters
destructor Destroy; override; |
Destroys an instance of |
class procedure Load(const ALibraryName: TFileName); overload; static; |
Loads the library dynamically. Parameters
class procedure Load; overload; static; |
Loads the library dynamically. |
class procedure Unload; static; |
Unloads the library dynamically. |
class function IsLoaded: Boolean; static; |
Checks if the library is already loaded. |
procedure Open; virtual; |
Loads the library dynamically. |
procedure Close; virtual; |
Unloads the library dynamically. |
property Active: Boolean read FActive write SetActive stored IsActiveStored; |
Loads/Unloads the library dynamically. |
property LibraryName: TFileName read FLibraryName write SetLibraryName
stored IsLibraryNameStored; |
Specifies the library to be loaded dynamically. |
property Version: string read FVersion stored False; |
property OnLoad: TNotifyEvent read FOnLoad write FOnLoad; |
Notifies that the library is loaded. |
property OnUnload: TNotifyEvent read FOnUnload write FOnUnload; |
Notifies that the library is unloaded. |
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