Record TBrookSettings
Hierarchy Methods Properties
type TBrookSettings = record
Stores the Brook settings.
Mapped: Boolean; |
Enables the mapping of HTTP request methods.
Charset: ShortString; |
Set the default application Charset.
ContentType: ShortString; |
Set the default application Content-Type.
Page404: string; |
Set the 404 HTML page. The string will be sent as is.
Page404File: string; |
Set the 404 HTML page file. The file content will be sent. This has higher precedence than TBrookSettings.Page404 so when both are set, this will be processed first and only if the file is not found or cannot be read the system will fallback to TBrookSettings.Page404
Page500: string; |
Set the 500 HTML page. The string will be sent as is.
Page500File: string; |
Set the 500 HTML page file. The file content will be sent. This has higher precedence than TBrookSettings.Page500 so when both are set, this will be processed first and only if the file is not found or cannot be read the system will fallback to TBrookSettings.Page500
DirectoryForUploads: string; |
Set the default directory for uploads.
DeleteUploadedFiles: Boolean; |
Defines if the temporary uploaded files will be deleted.
KeepUploadedNames: Boolean; |
Keeps the original name of the uploaded files.
Configuration: string; |
Set a configuration for the application or for its object members.
RootUrl: string; |
Set the default root URL. This is used by methods such as TBrookAction.UrlFor , TBrookActionHelper.LinkTo , TBrookActionHelper.ButtonTo etc. By default, Brook assumes SCRIPT_NAME as root URL.
Port: Word; |
Set the default application port.
LogActive: Boolean; |
Enables the application log.
LogFile: TFileName; |
Set a name for the application log file.
OnError: TOnShowRequestException; |
Handles the application exceptions.
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