All Functions and Procedures

Name Unit Description
Application BrookApplication

Returns the application instance maintaining compatibility with legacy code.

BrookApp BrookApplication

Returns the application instance.

BrookCopyObject BrookUtils

Copies the value of all properties from one object to another passing the prop.

BrookCopyObject BrookUtils

Copies the value of all properties from one object to another passing the prop.

BrookCopyObject BrookUtils

Copies the value of all properties from one object to another passing the prop.

BrookCopyObject BrookUtils

Copies the value of all properties from one object to another.

BrookCopyObject BrookUtils

Copies the value of all properties from one object to another.

BrookCopyObject BrookUtils

Copies the value of all properties from one object to another.

BrookDateTimeToGMT BrookHttpUtils

Converts TDateTime to a GMT format.

BrookDumpStack BrookUtils

Writes a backtrace of the current exception.

BrookDumpStackTrace BrookUtils

Writes a stack trace of the current exception.

BrookEndsChar BrookUtils

Check whether a string ends with a given character.

BrookExcludeTrailingUrlDelimiter BrookUtils

Ensures Url ends without delimiter.

BrookExists BrookUtils

Checks (ignoring case) if a string exists in an array of strings.

BrookExists BrookUtils

Checks if a string exists in an array of strings.

BrookExtractPathLevels BrookUtils

Get the next pathinfo level.

BrookExtractUrlFileName BrookHttpUtils

Extracts the file name of an URL and escapes it.

BrookExtractUrlFileName BrookHttpUtils

Extracts the file name of an URL.

BrookFileDate BrookUtils

Get the datetime of a file.

BrookFileExtFromMimeType BrookHttpUtils

Returns a file extension by MIME type.

BrookGetAcceptEncoding BrookHttpUtils

Returns a string of HTTP AcceptEnconding.

BrookGetAcceptEncodingSet BrookHttpUtils

Returns a set of HTTP AceptEnconding header.

BrookGetPathLevel BrookUtils

Get the path level passing the respective index.

BrookGetPathLevels BrookUtils

Get the path from the level correspondent to the index to the last level.

BrookHttpRequest BrookHttpUtils

Perform HTTP requests.

BrookIncludeTrailingUrlDelimiter BrookUtils

Ensures Url ends with delimiter.

BrookMatchMethod BrookUtils

Checks if a string is equivalent an enumerator representing a HTTP request method.

BrookMimeTypeFromFileExt BrookHttpUtils

Returns a MIME type by file extension.

BrookMimeTypeFromFileName BrookHttpUtils

Returns a MIME type by file name.

BrookObjectToString BrookUtils

Reads a published property of an object passing the name as string and getting the value as string.

BrookObjectToString BrookUtils

Reads a published property of an object passing the property as PPropInfo and getting the value as string.

BrookObjectToStrings BrookUtils

Reads the published properties of an object getting the names and values as a list of strings.

BrookObjectToStrings BrookUtils

Reads the published properties of an object getting the names and values as a list of strings.

BrookObjectToStrings BrookUtils

Reads the published properties of an object getting the names and values as a list of strings.

BrookReasonPhraseToStatusCode BrookHttpUtils

Returns the status code corresponding to a reason phrase.

BrookRegisterApp BrookApplication

Register the application.

BrookRequestMethodToStr BrookHttpUtils

Returns the string corresponding to a TBrookRequestMethod.

BrookSafeCopyObject BrookUtils

Copies the value of all properties from one object to another and checking the params.

BrookSafeCopyObject BrookUtils

Copies the value of all properties from one object to another passing the prop.

BrookSafeCopyObject BrookUtils

Copies the value of all properties from one object to another and checking the params.

BrookSafeCopyObject BrookUtils

Copies the value of all properties from one object to another and checking the params.

BrookSafeCopyObject BrookUtils

Copies the value of all properties from one object to another passing the prop.

BrookSafeCopyObject BrookUtils

Copies the value of all properties from one object to another passing the prop.

BrookSafeObjectToString BrookUtils

Reads a published property of an object passing the name, getting the value as string and checking the params.

BrookSafeObjectToStrings BrookUtils

Reads the published properties of an object getting the names and values as a list of strings and checking the params.

BrookSafeObjectToStrings BrookUtils

Reads the published properties of an object getting the names and values as a list of strings and checking the params.

BrookSafeObjectToStrings BrookUtils

Reads the published properties of an object getting the names and values as a list of strings and checking the params.

BrookSafeStringsToObject BrookUtils

Fills the published properties of an object passing the names and values as a list of strings and checking the params.

BrookSafeStringsToObject BrookUtils

Fills the published properties of an object passing the names and values as a list of strings and checking the params.

BrookSafeStringsToObject BrookUtils

Fills the published properties of an object passing the names and values as a list of strings and checking the params.

BrookSafeStringToObject BrookUtils

Fills a published property of an object passing the name and value as string and checking the params.

BrookSameUrl BrookHttpUtils

Compare two URLs ignoring a possible final slash.

BrookStartsChar BrookUtils

Check whether a string starts with a given character.

BrookStatusCodeToReasonPhrase BrookHttpUtils

Returns the reason phrase corresponding to a status code.

BrookStringsToObject BrookUtils

Fills the published properties of an object passing the names and values as a list of strings.

BrookStringsToObject BrookUtils

Fills the published properties of an object passing the names and values as a list of strings.

BrookStringsToObject BrookUtils

Fills the published properties of an object passing the names and values as a list of strings.

BrookStringToObject BrookUtils

Fills a published property of an object passing the property as PPropInfo and value as string.

BrookStringToObject BrookUtils

Fills a published property of an object passing the name and value as string.

BrookStrToRequestMethod BrookHttpUtils

Returns the TBrookRequestMethod corresponding to a string.

BrookUnregisterApp BrookApplication

Unregister the application.

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