Class TBrookSession
type TBrookSession = class(TBrookComponent)
Defines features to the session handling.
function IsStarted: Boolean; |
procedure SetFileName; virtual; |
procedure Load; virtual; |
procedure Save; virtual; |
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; |
Creates an instance of a TBrookSession class.
destructor Destroy; override; |
Frees an instance of TBrookSession class.
procedure GetFields(AObject: TObject); |
Get an object with the fields coming from session.
function IsExpired: Boolean; virtual; |
Returns True if the session has expired.
function IsEmpty: Boolean; virtual; |
Returns True if the session fieds is empty.
function GenerateID: string; virtual; |
Creates an ID for the session.
procedure Start(ARequest: TBrookRequest); virtual; |
Starts the session.
procedure Finish(AResponse: TBrookResponse); virtual; |
Terminates the session.
function Exists(const AName: string): Boolean; |
Checks if a name exists in fields.
property CookieName: string read FCookieName write FCookieName; |
Set the session cookie name.
property CookieDomain: string read FCookieDomain write FCookieDomain; |
Set the session cookie domain.
property CookiePath: string read FCookiePath write FCookiePath; |
Set the session cookie path.
property CookieSecure: Boolean read FCookieSecure write FCookieSecure; |
Set the session cookie secure.
property CookieExpires: TDateTime read FCookieExpires write FCookieExpires; |
Set the session cookie expiration.
property Field[constAName:string]: string read GetField write SetField; |
Handles the session fields.
property Fields: TStrings read FFields write SetFields; |
The session fields.
property IgnoredFields: TStrings read FIgnoredFields write SetIgnoredFields; |
The ignored fields by the session.
property Directory: string read FDirectory write FDirectory; |
Set the name of session directory.
property Expired: Boolean read IsExpired; |
Returns True if the session has expired.
property Empty: Boolean read IsEmpty; |
Returns True if the session fieds is empty.
property SID: string read FSID write FSID; |
Get or set the session ID.
property Started: Boolean read IsStarted; |
Checks if the session has started.
property FileName: TFileName read FFileName write FFileName; |
The session file name.
property FilePrefix: ShortString read FFilePrefix write FFilePrefix; |
The session file prefix.
property Timeout: Integer read FTimeout write FTimeout
The remaining seconds for the session finish.
property HttpOnly: Boolean read FHttpOnly write FHttpOnly; |
Informs if the session cookie is accessible only by HTTP requests, if True , the JavaScript access is not allowed.
property BeforeStart: TBrookSessionStartEvent read FBeforeStart
write FBeforeStart; |
Is triggered before session start.
property BeforeFinish: TBrookSessionFinishEvent read FBeforeFinish
write FBeforeFinish; |
Is triggered before session finish.
property BeforeExpire: TBrookSessionExpireEvent read FBeforeExpire
write FBeforeExpire; |
Is triggered before session expire.
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