Class TBrookRouter
type TBrookRouter = class(TBrookComponent)
Provides features for the route handling.
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; |
Creates an instance of a TBrookRouter class.
destructor Destroy; override; |
Frees an instance of TBrookRouter class.
class function GetServiceClass: TBrookRouterClass; |
Return the service class provided by this class.
class procedure RegisterService; |
Registers the service provided by this class.
class procedure UnregisterService; |
Unregisters the service provided by this class.
class function Service: TBrookRouter; |
Return an instance of this class.
class function RootUrl: string; |
Return the root URL.
class function RootUrl(ARequest: TBrookRequest): string; |
Return the root URL passing TBrookRequest as param.
class procedure MethodNotAllowed(AResponse: TBrookResponse); |
Sends the HTTP "NotAllowed" status code to the response.
function UrlFor(AActionClass: TBrookActionClass; const AParams: array of string): string; overload; |
Creates an URL for an action informing an array of parameters. Exemple:
procedure TMyAction.Get;
Write(UrlFor(TMyAction, ['myvalue']));
function UrlFor(AClassName: string; const AParams: array of string): string; overload; |
Creates an URL for an action passing an array of parameters however informing the class name as string
function Canonicalize(ARequest: TBrookRequest; AResponse: TBrookResponse): Boolean; |
Adds an slash to the end of the URL if does not exist.
function MatchPattern(APattern, APathInfo: string; out ARedirect: Boolean; out ANames, AValues: TBrookArrayOfString): Boolean; virtual; |
Checks if the given parameters match with a registered route.
property Routes: TBrookRoutes read FRoutes write FRoutes; |
List of available routes.
property AfterExecuteAction: TBrookExecuteActionEvent
read FAfterExecuteAction write FAfterExecuteAction; |
Is triggered after the router executes a action.
property AfterMatchPattern: TBrookMatchPatternEvent
read FAfterMatchPattern write FAfterMatchPattern; |
Is triggered after the router matches a pattern.
property AfterRoute: TBrookRouteEvent read FAfterRoute
write FAfterRoute; |
Is triggered after the router is routing.
property BeforeExecuteAction: TBrookExecuteActionEvent
read FBeforeExecuteAction write FBeforeExecuteAction; |
Is triggered before the router executes a action.
property BeforeMatchPattern: TBrookMatchPatternEvent
read FBeforeMatchPattern write FBeforeMatchPattern; |
Is triggered before the router matches a pattern.
property BeforeRoute: TBrookRouteEvent read FBeforeRoute
write FBeforeRoute; |
Is triggered before the router is routing.
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