Unit BrookMessages
Uses Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records Functions and Procedures Types
Messages unit.
SBrookDefaultLocale_rst = 'en-US'; |
SBrookInvalidRequestMethodError_rst = 'Invalid request method: %s'; |
SBrookItemNotFoundError_rst = 'Item "%s" not found.'; |
SBrookFileNotFoundError_rst = 'File not found: %s'; |
SBrookNoRequestMethodError_rst = 'No REQUEST_METHOD passed from server.'; |
SBrookNoApplicationRegisteredError_rst = 'No application registered.'; |
SBrookApplicationAlreadyRegisteredError_rst = 'The application is already registered.'; |
SBrookRegiterTBrookActionError_rst = 'Unable to register the type TBrookAction directly.'; |
SBrookActionAlreadyRegisteredError_rst = 'The action "%s" is already registered.'; |
SBrookDefaultActionAlreadyRegisteredError_rst = 'There is already a default action registered.'; |
SBrookPatternAlreadyRegisteredError_rst = 'There is already an action registered with the pattern "%s".'; |
SBrookRouterServiceAlreadyRegisteredError_rst = 'The router service is already registered.'; |
SBrookNoRouterServiceRegisteredError_rst = 'No router service registered.'; |
SBrookNoRouteRegisteredError_rst = 'No route registered.'; |
SBrookCfgFileNotFoundError_rst = 'The config file was not found: "%s"'; |
SBrookNotNilError_rst = '"%s" must not be nil.'; |
SBrookEmptyLibraryNameError_rst = 'The library name must not be empty.'; |
SBrookMethodNotAllowedError_rst = 'HTTP method not allowed for the requested resource.'; |
SBrookConstraintAlreadyRegisteredError_rst = 'The constraint "%s" is already registered.'; |
SBrookConstraintsServiceAlreadyRegisteredError_rst = 'The constraints service is already registered.'; |
SBrookNoConstraintsServiceRegisteredError_rst = 'No constraints service registered.'; |
SBrookNoLoggerServiceRegisteredError_rst = 'No logger service registered.'; |
SBrookLoggerServiceAlreadyRegisteredError_rst = 'The logger service is already registered.'; |
Generated by PasDoc 0.15.0.